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不久之前团队有个新人问我一个很重要的web服务接口如何保证事务的问题。因为涉及到跨库事务,当时我只是回答目前我们的SOA框架都不支持跨库事务。然后就问到了数据库跨库事务是如何实现的,我只能凭印象含糊回答多数是基于数据库日志(后来知道就是所谓的预写日志Write-Ahead Logging),具体数据库内部如何控制数据一致性则真的说不清楚。后来一起查了一下事务的资料,原来DB的事务控制除了基于预写日志还要实现两阶段提交协议(2PC),参考摘抄两段加深印象。
When the transaction manager receives a commit request, it sends a prepare command to all of the resource managers involved in the transaction. Each resource manager then does everything required to make the transaction durable, and all buffers holding log images for the transaction are flushed to disk. As each resource manager completes the prepare phase, it returns success or failure of the prepare to the transaction manager.
If the transaction manager receives successful prepares from all of the resource managers, it sends commit commands to each resource manager. The resource managers can then complete the commit. If all of the resource managers report a successful commit, the transaction manager then sends a success notification to the application. If any resource manager reported a failure to prepare, the transaction manager sends arollback command to each resource manager and indicates the failure of the commit to the application.
准备阶段(Prepare Phase),A锁定表,并将事务写入自己的预写日志;A将事务发给从库B和C,B和C也各自锁定自己的表,并把事务写入预写日志,完成后返回告诉A准备阶段完成;
提交阶段(Commit Phase),A开始执行自己的事务,并通知B和C提交事务。如果在这个过程中没有任何错误,那么操作将在A、B和C库中完成;如果发生错误,比如从库C超时无响应,或者从库C磁盘空间不足…A将通知所有参与事务的B和C回滚该事务,并且回滚A自己的事务。
到这里大家应该已经看到,相比单库事务,分布式事务控制更加复杂,而且开销极大。虽然一些高级开发框架如.net framework提供了较为强大丰富的类库如来简化开发分布式事务,但是建议能不用则不用,因为它被反映普遍存在和。这种分布式事务的场景如果频繁出现,重新拆分系统合理规划架构才是正道。